c++ good programming practice and performance tips

Performance tips
  • Use nested if else rather then all If statements.
  • Use small integer size
  • For or the condition most likely to be true place at left and for && condit most likely t be false place at left
  • For(int i=0;i<bla ;i++); the loop will continue to work
  • Do pass arguments by reference. Object s as reference
  • Initialize the array at program time rather then at run time
  • Use static with the array if u do not want it to be destroyed and reinitialize
  • Use const if u do not want th e original array to b emodified
  • If  there is only a single function which uses another call to the function then u need to proto type that function in this one for example

Void rana(){
Void test();
            void test(){
  • Th e above mentioned way should be used.
  • Passing the arrays and the pointers are interchangeable cuz if u pass an array to a function a pointr would be passed.
  • The sizeof an array is the total bytes occupied by the array elements.
  • If u want to do pointer arithmetic then do it only on an array
  • Do not dereference the void pointers
  • Initialize the array of function pointers the same way u initialize the other arrays